10 days before Christmas

Well...it's 10 days before Christmas and all through the house, I have things in a mess and I can't find the mouse. Yes...my computer mouse, that is... Funny how Christmas sneaks up on you. Or does it...really.. it comes the same time every year.  I can't believe I have a few days to get a few fun things I enjoy done before we head home to see family again. I didn't do as much this year, mostly because of time. And to be honest who cares if you set up the lights on that particular tree, or put out every ornament you have every bought, you know...who really knows or cares. So this year I down sized and it's fun. I am only sending out my Christmas letter to those who sent me one, yes I know... what about so and so and so and so...well they will live and I will have a life...simple as that. It's a matter of balance for me this year. I had a fit yesterday, trying to figure out what to buy who and what they need or like. Well no ones really needs anything but  Jesus, you know what I mean. So why get so stressed.
I bought a tree yesterday, tonight we will decorate with some of our favorite things and watch It's a Wonderful Life. This movie always makes me think, about my own life and what I am doing with it.
Yesterday at Sanctuary we had a great Sunday. We had over 60 come out and worship and then we had lunch together than some headed out to Rundle park to do some tobogganing and others stayed behind to hang and play games.  You can see from my picture, as we hang out have coffee and just chill... It was a great day at church. God is doing some amazing things there. This Sunday is our Christmas service with communion, I can't wait. Join us if you can....God is so Good, all the time.
I pray as you spend your last week preparing to go visit, have visitors, make dinner, clean up, put up trees, buy presents...that you will also find the time in your hearts to prepare for the coming King...That you will sit and reflect what this season is all about...
I am hosting a college and career turkey dinner on Saturday - looking forward to making a meal for the ones that I truly love...and care for. I can't wait to make my turkey with all the trimmings...that morning Mike and I will also celebrate our Christmas...with an amazing Strata brunch i am preparing...so looking forward to that. I'll tell ya how it all turns out...
Find some things in your life this week you enjoy and do them...celebrate with those you love -
Celebrate the King...


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