Who is this?

For the last month or so there has been a new
development in the Westerhoud's home.
Our child decided not to nap anymore.
She just stopped.
My afternoon of getting tons done on my own has stopped.
And now what we have on our hands is a Wild child.
No one told me this could happen.
That their little sweet personalities  just would
change overnight  to what some call
'the witching hour'
'more wine hour'
'arsenic  hour'
'the breakdown'

Many have shared names with me
as I started to ask
Is this normal?

All of a sudden between 12-1pm  and then 4- 5pm or so
it's like the world is ending around here.
There is  now crying and slamming the body on the floor and
More crying
Grabbing on to my legs for dear life
And there is no warning
No leading up to this
And of course the 'breakdown' always happens at the most inconvenient time.
Like right after church as we are trying to leave.
Or when we are trying to go out for supper.
Or trying to give her a bath.
Or someone stops by for a visit.

Why wont she just nap already!!
Yes, I know its minor in the big scheme of
what is going on in the world.
But for today for me, my world is being rocked upside down
as we try to figure out how to live into this stage of life.
I just stare at her wondering
Who is this?
I guess we just do that, we live into it and through it.

I think that is my new theme in life.
Live into it and through it.
Crazy times.
But as I look around,
there are many who
I am sure have lived
through this just fine
and we have many fine
functioning adults
walking around.
So we will be OK.
Here is to more
Wine hour
And the hope that I too will survive this.


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