Christmas Blessings 2018
Christmas Blessings 2018
As many of you, know a year ago this month we spent the better part of December in Vietnam.
The memories are very fresh in our minds as we fondly
think back on our trip.
I love looking at our pictures and thought I would post a few on our Christmas letter.
As much as we loved being in Vietnam,
I love looking at our pictures and thought I would post a few on our Christmas letter.
As much as we loved being in Vietnam,
coming home on December 20th 2017 was the best gift ever.
~ A look at 2018 ~
He continues to provide by working hard at either
drafting or building cabinets.
He just finished serving as treasurer for Covenant Heights Bible camp and is looking forward to spending the extra time in the shop or on his Trike.
His highlight of 2018 was The Terry Fox Trek.
Mike and 2 of his friends set out on an epic adventure.
They all got on their bikes and rode out for 3 days to Valemont BC to climb the Mt. Terry Fox.
They climbed 9 hours in total and reached 6352 feet high.
Mike was celebrating being 30 years cancer free.
He climbed for many that we have lost to this
disease and for a cure.
All together they raised over $8,000.
This year he got in some ice fishing, biking, kayaking, riding
and also a bit of camping.
He is looking forward to his next bike trip in 2019 and looks forward to trying the Terry Fox Trek again in a few years.

Hana has been busy excelling in Yeti - TaeKwon-Do.
I think she found her thing.
She recently found out that she qualifies for her first test for her Junior White belt in January.
We are so proud of her and she is thrilled.
Also this year she recently tried some archery and loves it.
Her year included lots of Lego , playing chess and checkers, playing piano at home or at the lodge, summer camping with the family and at bible camps, kayaking, biking - lots of biking and of course some snowmobiling, skating and tobogganing in the winter.
Her weekly highlights have been TaeKwon-Do, kids club
and Friday night pizza & movie night with the family.
Next year she looks forward to riding her bike to school, being in the music festival, testing for Junior White Belt and her bible camps.
She has had a year of change but has settled into
being a big sister very nicely.
Her favorite things to do with Eli are locking him out
of her room and stealing his Tigger.
Sounds about normal.

Our little guy is always on the go.
He has had a year of change yet seems to have adjusted well, He is growing and changing on a daily basis.
This year he fell in love with trains and dinosaurs.
It is exciting to see him count and say so many words.
He loves to eat and his favorite foods are rice and noodles. Eating with chop sticks is a favorite with both kids.
His year included starting day care which he seems to like,
camping, biking , sitting on the front porch &
hanging out with mama and just embracing his new life.
Next year he looks forward to being in day care regularly and starting preschool in September.
He also has become really good at
causing all kinds of distress to his sister.
Sounds about normal.

Hana and Eli
It has been a year of getting to know each other.
On any given day there is a lot of yelling, screaming, laughing, running, hiding, stealing, crying, scheming,
playing, spilled milk (or cheerios or noodles or what ever ) and lots of adventures. When together it is chaos when apart they ask for each other.
Sounds about normal.

I had an amazing 9 months off with my family this year.
Had a great summer of lake living, camping, hiking
and exploring new places.
My highlight of 2018 was my weekend away at an art retreat called Wonderscape.
Had so many amazing moments and looking forward to the new connections and ideas that had come from that life giving weekend.
Another highlight was spending time in the mountains during the summer and my birthday!
Truth be told it was a tough one going back to work.
but things are flowing and the transition is going well.
My days are full with pastoring , mental health counselling, writing, theology & counselling classes, my work with The Santiago Partnership and what ever else God has in store for me.
I continue to be passionate about supporting my missionary friends and anything that has a purpose and helps someone in need.
Currently I am working on details for the next Ecuador Adventure Trip taking place in February.
2019 looks exciting as I look forward to finishing my Mental Health Counselling Certificate and finding new adventures that include some writing, YouTube experiment, Caring For the Soul Blog, a torch, safety glasses and a bit of creativity.
And of course riding with my hubby.
God is good.

2018 was a year of lake living, time spent in the mountains, lots of biking, a bit of riding, finding new coffee shops , camping and seeing family.
A year of lots of visits from friends.
A year of no sleep.
A year of being intentional in bonding and attaching.
A year of weddings and baptisms.
Did I mention a year of no sleep.
A year of building relationships.
The season was good.
December is full of piano concerts, Christmas carols, church Christmas program, school Christmas concert and many other fun Christmas festivities.
Christmas Eve candle light service is our highlight of the season and we look forward to spending Christmas at home.
Spending time skating, tobogganing , snowmobiling and ice fishing sounds perfect for us.
We are looking forward to 2019 and all that
God has in store for us.
We create plans but know God is in control.
This past year we have been learning that sometimes what we want or plan do not line up with how things work out and we learn to move into the 'new' even when it is hard.
We trust God with it all as we know He is in the details.
2019 will hopefully include a bike trip, some camping, maybe some time at the lake and coffee in the mountains.
We stay obedient to what He is calling us to and
lean in on His strength and Peace.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


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