Happy Monday 2011

Well today is Monday. Monday January 3 2011. Kinda feels weird to write that 2011. Its not like I didn't think it was going to come or anything, it's just I can't believe 2010 is gone. Yesterday I was suppose to preach at Sanctuary and well...I didn't make it out of Wetaskiwin. The roads were so bad and the snow was coming down hard. I was thinking this is not a good start to 2011. NOPE...So on the phone I was with our Community Pastor - seeing if he can fill in as he lives in Edmonton...it all worked out. Just not the way I planned. I struggle with that. I find that I am someone that likes to know what is going on and when. Kinda makes me laugh as God just shakes it all up. I have expectations of myself and others and well sometimes those just don't get met ... at all do they.
I am wondering what this year will bring. I don't really do new years resolutions. It's more of a life evaluation of where I am now. What I need to remove and what I need to add. What I don't like and what I do like. What I need to work on and what I need to let go.
So this week will be a bit of that. Thinking through my life ... the past present and future and what I need to change in order to become more whole and healthy.
I guess as you get older you start to realize what is important. I know in my life - relationships are. Those relationships that you want to grow deeper. One in particular is my relationship with God. I want to know Him so intimately - so personally - The only way to do that is to spend more time with Him. To give Him more of me. Spending time reading - praying and just hearing Him - and His will for my life.
Relationships with others is also important to me. We are so busy in our lives that at times we hardly notice the people around us that need us the most. I don't want to be that busy anymore. I don't want to seem like I don't care. How I will live into that I don't know. There will always be someone who will not feel taken care of enough...someone who you will disappoint. So there will have to be a balance of some sort. Not sure how that will play out but God does.
And then we need to take  care of ourselves too... we need to build ourselves up ...in different ways ... meeting our own personal needs. Which of course takes time too.
Last year I wanted to cook more...and I did...I started off well cooking a new dish every week. Then it slowly faded...I want to add that to this year again...making dishes that I love and new ones I want to try out....So I will start again. Isn't that true in life...sometimes we need to start things over and over...again.
So as I live into this week - I am thinking of these things. My relationships... where am I spending my time ... how important are the things that I am doing...Jesus was all about relationships. It's who were are...what we are ...  needing each other.
Lots on my mind this morning but it's good - good to think things through and evaluate. 2011. It's going to be a good year. Blessings on everyone this week...as we live it out.
Pastor Natasha


  1. Don't you just love it when there's a huge wrinkle in YOUR plans? It just struck me - I wonder how often God feels that way. I'm guessing pretty often, judging by our infallibility (is that a word?) Anyway, one of the things I'm looking forward to is spending more time with you! Do you think we can make it happen?

    God bless you Natasha. I know God's using you, and I see God in you.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sorry about removing my comment, wanted to add somthing.

    God does everything he does for a reason. everything happens for a reason.
    man, we gotta do coffee sometime. ive got alot to share about what gods doing in my life. its quite amazing :)

    your paragraph bout cooking a new dish is kinda like my relationship with god. im all up into it, and riding with it, then it fades away slowly. but maybe no more?

    talk soon. :)
    p.s. check out my site for a bit more info possibly.


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