Happy Birthday My Girl
Happy Birthday My Girl.

Hard to imagine we are celebrating
7 years of life for this little princess.

Our Princess from the East.

I remember her first birthday very well.
She was not even with us yet.
We were 27 days away from being a forever family and I decided we needed to celebrate her first birthday even if she was not here yet.
We gathered our friends and threw her a party!
Today she is a feisty, opinionated , passionate little girl.
She loves to play and explore.

Sitting still is not her thing and
She is head strong and very smart.
Our Princess from the East.

I remember her first birthday very well.
She was not even with us yet.
We were 27 days away from being a forever family and I decided we needed to celebrate her first birthday even if she was not here yet.
We gathered our friends and threw her a party!
Today she is a feisty, opinionated , passionate little girl.
She loves to play and explore.

Sitting still is not her thing and
She is head strong and very smart.
A dangerous combination indeed.
She has a knack for numbers and experiments.
Taking things apart and designing a new look is her thing.
Art - is OK she says but...
But - staying in the lines is too boring.
Reading is a new passion for her.
She can read chapter books all by her self and apparently does not need me to read to her anymore.
Unless she is tired.
Then yes. I can read to her.
She loves to read about fairies, goblins, dragons and friends
who are part of a heroic adventure.
School is working out for her now she tells us.
Mostly because it is almost summer.
Her favorite part of school are her friends and recess.
Oh... and also the vending machine.
Some times math, sometimes reading, always free time
but mostly friends.
Through out this year she wanted to be a doctor , a veterinarian and an artist.
(who doesn't stay in the lines of course)
She also made us aware that she plans to stay home with us forever and never finish school.
This week she wants to be a professional Lego builder.
You go girl.
She is truly a social butterfly.
She loves to swim and be in the water.
She loves riding her bike.
She finished hockey this year and is not sure if it is her thing.
Sports make her tired she tells us.
Of course her favorite part of hockey were the rink burgers & fries and getting a medal here and there.
She enjoys piano and is in her 2nd year.
It helps that she loves her teacher.
Her favorites things are playing chess, snakes and ladders, Lego, Sequence, and Crazy Eights.
I can't tell you the amount of times she has beaten us at these games.
I blame it on the fact I can't see the numbers or the chess pieces.
She is persistent and has a memory that just wont let go.
She loves to stick to a schedule and has a hard time when things get changed up.
Really Hard Time.
( wonder where she gets that from)
She loves to dress up for church but her
comfy clothes are her favorite things.
If she could she would live in her underpants she tells us.
Singing in church and Sunday school are her favorite
parts of the church service.
parts of the church service.
She knows her bible stuff and has no problem
sharing what she believes.
She knows who Jesus is and knows He died for her and knows He loves her more than we ever could - she tells us.
She wants to get baptized because
'that is what you do when you believe' she tells us.
Her favorite shows are Spirit and Boss Baby.
Captain Underpants seems to be her number one movie
- still -
And Saturdays are her favorite days
because she can be in her underpants all day.
She loves shoes, Lego and her trampoline.
Rice and noodles are her favorite foods and eating them with chop sticks are even better.
(mac and cheese are her fav too)
Ice cream and bacon are to die for she says.
She is a great big sister.
And loves him with all her heart.
But, she still thinks sharing stinks.
She cares for him and fights with him.
It's perfect.

Some new things she has experienced this past year are
rock climbing, going to camp, kayaking, doing more chores,
travelling 35 some hours on a plane and sharing her space and being a big sister.
Some things she is not fond of this year includes doing more chores, travelling 35 hours on a plane and sharing her space.
It's all a process.
My Words to You My Girl...
You are fiercely loved.
I will never stop loving you, no matter what.
We waited so long for you - you are my special
little princess from the East.
I will help you with your feisty, opinionated and passionate personality - help you not lose your energetic spirit and help you find your way the best way I know how.
I will continue to teach you about Jesus and continue to encourage you to share who He is to whom ever you feel led to share this Hope with .
I will teach you what ever I know.
I will be there when things are falling apart and
I will be there when things are great.
I will correct you when I need too as I am called to guide you and teach you and we will fight and butt heads but we will also figure it out and forgive each other and hug it out or dance it out - which ever works for us at the time.
I will share my life with you and my things with you.
I will love you for who you are and who
God is creating you to be.
I will sacrifice for you.
I will fight for you and also teach you to
fight your own battles - no matter how hard it may be.
I will make mistakes.
There is no doubt about that.
I will be tired or cranky or preoccupied and maybe a million other things that wont make sense to you.
And I will apologize.
And tomorrow will be another day and we will start over.
And I promise I will do better.
I will make mistakes.
There is no doubt about that.
I will be tired or cranky or preoccupied and maybe a million other things that wont make sense to you.
And I will apologize.
And tomorrow will be another day and we will start over.
And I promise I will do better.
But one thing I will always want you to know and that is I want you to know how much you are loved.
I am your Mom.
I am proud of you.
I am your cheerleader.
I am proud of you.
I am your cheerleader.
You are fiercely loved.
Happy 7th Birthday my girl.

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