Happy Birthday Baby Boy

Happy 2nd Birthday Eli!

My son turns 2 next week. 
My son...how cool is that !
His first birthday at home. 
We have been a family of four for just over 3 months. 
There are some days that all this seems so normal and familiar yet other days still so unreal. 

For the moment, we have finally finished all the paper work that was needed to be done for him.

Our new permanent paperwork starts next month.

I look through all the paper work to make sure things
are in order and I am amazed at how we did all this. 

It feels like such a blur. 

The legal stuff. 
The meetings. 
Putting it all together. 
Hours on the phone. 
Hours driving to the city. 
Selling things. 
Hours of filling out paperwork. 
Meetings with social workers & government officials. 

I read his beginnings in life and my heart deeply hurts. 
I am so glad he is finally home.

We did it and we are home and together.
And everything was worth it. Absolutely everything.  

We will celebrate his birthday with friends, balloons
 cake and a few gifts. 

His first birthday with us.
His first of many with us.
Yes, we will celebrate. 

I can't imagine my life without him in it. 
Funny how that happens. 

He has a strong personality.
A bit demanding and I would have to say very loud, lol. 
I laugh at all his funny faces and actions. 
He loves tractors, trains,  cars and balls. 
He loves to throw and climb and run. 
He loves to be outside, even in the cold.
He loves the snowmobile. 
He does not sit still. 
He loves to come with me to pick Hana up from school. 
He loves all foods and loves to eat all day.
He especially loves rice.
So does his sister.
She eats it 
with chop sticks, he eats it with his face 
and I clean it all up with my mop. 
It all works out in the end. 
In one way he has become so comfortable in our routine. 
Then all of a sudden he is shaken up and fearful. 
Some days I don't know what to do for him. 
Other days I think I've got it.

For his first birthday with us I want him to know this...

I will tell him about Jesus, everyday 
I will love him so fiercely it will hurt 
I will care for him till the day I die
I will teach him to love and be gently, kind, compassionate and love his sister
I will come when he calls me
I will be there when he falls 
I will be up all night if he needs me to be
I will play with him all day if he needs me to  
I will do what ever it takes to make him feel safe
I will protect him with all of my life 
I will make sure he knows his Mamma loves him, unconditionally 
I will help him see he can trust me,
he can count on me, 
he can be safe with me
I want him to know no matter what,
I will be there for him 
I am his Mamma...
You are loved little man 
loved so much. 

Oh my heart. 

Happy birthday to my baby boy, my peanut.


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