Hello Norquay Saskatchewan!
Much has taken place in the last three months within the Westerhoud Family.
We have now entered into a brand new season.
We closed an 11 year chapter in Alberta and have packed up our little family and headed
back to Saskatchewan.
Was it in our plan? No
But then what in life, is really in "our" plan.
We landed in Norquay SK around 6:30 pm on a beautiful Friday night on March 14th.
Here we were, in our large UHAUL taking with us most of what we own.
The 10 hour drive following Mike, was long and daunting as my head was spinning with anxiety, excitement and a bit or nervousness.
Hard to imagine that we left all we know to embark on a new adventure that we felt God was calling us to. Leaving all of our friends and church family behind.
As difficult as that was, right from the start, we have always had a sense of peace coming to Norquay.
A sense of belonging and a sense of 'coming home'.
That helped make our decision much easier.
That helped make our decision much easier.
We have now been here two full weeks. Two weeks of unpacking, having friends visit us, going to a birthday party, meetings, church, youth group, finding little treasures in small towns, searching out new ways to shop and find the things we need, ordering on line, getting my nails done, eating perogies and sausage, buying perogies and sausage, a dance fundraiser and getting to know our new community and I am sure more.
And the verdict so far...
We are going to like it here. :)
It's a good place with good people. Not too different than where we came from.
I was asked yesterday if we are going to stay here for while?
I am hoping and praying we will. God called us here. To serve, care, love and make a life.
It's funny how the things that are not in our plan
are really the best plans for us.
I am preaching tomorrow, I am looking forward to sharing what God has laid on my heart.
I will be talking about 'Waiting on God' seemed appropriate and timely for us.
I will be talking about 'Waiting on God' seemed appropriate and timely for us.
Next week I start Bible studies in our new home. I am looking forward to that. Time spent sharing God's Word and growing together in Christ.
Today, Mike went fishing with a few guys from here, he was pretty excited. It's been a few years since he went ice fishing.
Hana has adjusted really well. She loves her space here and walking to the store or church will be a fun thing to do in the summer. As will soccer and learning how to swim in our lake a few minutes away from us. She starts preschool in September, 2 mornings a week, I think she will love being with her new friends.

We live on the edge of town - so I look out at a tree covered field, that too is comforting. I look forward to summer, I think Norquay will be really beautiful with all its trees and valleys and lakes surrounding us.
I am enjoying the 'regular' stuff that happens in this town, the same guy who drives by our house in a quad every day at around 2. The same elderly gentleman who drives this red pick up every day by our house two times a day, heading to the local coffee shop.
The people that stop by our house for coffee to visit with us.
This week I had a lady stop in for coffee to see how we are doing, she is the aunt of a former student I had in Regina. Small world.
And we have a cool local coffee shop , that make some pretty awesome perogies. I have been there now six times in 12 days. With friends, my family and for meetings.
Looks like this place will be a regular stop for me.
Looks like this place will be a regular stop for me.
So what seemed like not our plan at all,
has become our plan at the end after all.
has become our plan at the end after all.
God has provided a place and space for us to feel at 'home'.
I am also grateful to the memories of my friends we left in Alberta. What a surprise and gift to receive house warming presents, cards, texts, and calls on an ongoing basis.
I do not want to lose touch with the people we care about.
I do not want to lose touch with the people we care about.
The other day a lady from my new church came up to me to let me know her sister (she attends Malmo) had asked her to check up on me and make sure I am OK. It warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes. God is good.
We now move forward into the new plan that God has designed for us.
I am stocked up with Starbucks and Timmy's , old friends from far and new friends near by,
come on by for a visit, our door is always open.
come on by for a visit, our door is always open.
Good stuff you are writing. You're going to do well. We're looking forward to the journey with you!