
We have been home now almost a month. 

For the most part we have settled into a 'new' normal. 
This seems to the be the new word of the year around here. 
'new normal' 

Someone asked me the other day 
What is normal anyways? 
Good question. I have no idea anymore. 
My son has decided to nap 2 hours earlier
today than expected .
I guess that is 'new normal' .
This of course throws everything off for me.

Because you know...it's all about me...:) 

I should be rearranging my bedroom as it is a disaster from moving rooms in our home 3 times in the last few weeks. 

I should do the dishes
I should do laundry
I should work a bit
I should sort pictures
I should really nap

But I am writing instead. 
This feels normal to me. 

Hana is back in school.
She loves routine and familiar things.
But she did share she missed Vietnam and the pool. 
Yes dear, me too. 
She is back in hockey and excited for hot dogs and medals.
We go for 'dates' and have cinnamon buns together and talk about her day ...without as she calls him
"her all consuming loud brother." 
I must admit, her adjusting to a new little
person around her space has been challenging. 
He seems to be in her space and screams a lot at her.
He does not like the idea that she is near me. 
It has been all a bit too comical to try to process.
The movie 'boss baby' comes up a lot in our house.  

Eli is trying to figure out life here in Canada.
He has not been outside much.
The air just hurts too much.
He has his own little room now and seems to love it.
We are not done yet with the room but it's a start. 
He has been home for just over 3 weeks now.
He has been here longer than he has been in the hotel with us, so we are now into another new 
stage for him.
Another 'new normal'.
Everything is still new to him.
We are  trying to find routine for him
but that seems to change by the hour. 
We are busy with his post adoption reports,
counselling with case workers and just a lot of follow up. 
Waiting still for his health card and other important 
things that have not shown up yet. 

And you all know how well I do with that
waiting...change...no routine...chaos...

Mike moved his office to what a friend called 'the pit'.
He is in the basement. Seems to be working out for now. 
He has a fridge down there and coffee pot.
He seems content.
He comes up for air once in a while but we
don't see him till 5 each day. 
He says he gets a lot of work done. 

I am adjusting and reorganizing my life. 
My days are very different now. 
My days are filled with spending time with my
new bundle of energy. 
Running after him so he doesn't destroy my house. 
Or climb to high or jump to far. 
Playing, reading, nurturing. 
Some days I am just not sure what I am doing. 
Some days it makes perfect sense. 
I guess it's all normal. 
Trying to keep the floor clean, laundry up to date
and then of course...some volunteering I am doing. 
Today that just seems too much for me. 
I am tired today.
I feel like the  last 3 weeks could be taking a toll on me. Sounds about right. 
Going outside with him seems like a lot of work 
right now but I know I need to get out. 

I appreciate the visits, calls, texts and checking in, the  chocolate and wine are wonderful ... :)

Feels good to still connect and be a part of the outside world. 

I have such huge plans for each day.
But some days plans just don't work out. 
And I am starting to be ok with that. 
There is always tomorrow and 
I can still find my bed to crash in at night. 

I have no idea how long he will nap today and my dishes on the counter are driving me crazy.
So I will go now and get them done. 
But not before another cup of good hot coffee. 
I am dressed, dishes will get done, one child made it to school.

I guess that counts for a good day. 

Anything extra I get done today will be a bonus. 

'new normal' 


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