Ecuador 2017

Ecuador 2017

This year my trip to Ecuador was entirely different
I didn't go with a team nor did I lead a team

I just went

There were many reasons that I chose to go on my own

I went as a Santiago board member to encourage and meet with the missionaries to
think and dream of possibilities

I went to encourage my dear friends and to purchase
items to bring back to sell to support
The Santiago Project

I went to be a part of a medical caravan to see what happens during the day and
how we can come along side this ministry

I went to see the completion of the Home of At risk children, something dear to my heart

I went to go and see and plan what we can do next year, when I do lead the 2018 ECCC Ecuador trip
(won't you consider coming along with us?)

I went to go and connect with the Quecha sisters  up in the
mountain region, to pray and to listen to their stories
and to remind them that they are not forgotten

But mostly I went to find myself
I went to become uncomfortable
I went to be challenged

I went to trust again

Traveling to uncomfortable places stretches me

Being put in uncomfortable situations stretches me

Feeling helpless and devastated
reminds me that it's not about me

It's all about God

I left my family for a few days to reach out and serve where I felt God was calling me to

Part of my call in life is a missionary call to serve in a far away place
to see things that I would not be normally exposed to

In this uncomfortableness I am reminded of who I am in all of this

I am reminded of my call
and challenged to be obedient and faithful to that call

I come home with a full heart

Maybe with  more questions than answers but nonetheless, full

I was asked not too long ago

Does everyone have to go to Ecuador?

No, but I do think everyone needs an Ecuador in their life.

Something to make them passionate, hungry, sad, happy - something to feel
something to challenge you, make you uncomfortable, help you grow and be faithful to your call
something to fight for and help and serve in

What is your Ecuador?


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