And I ask myself, Did I use my time wisely this summer?
As I ponder this I am reminded by what is important to me.
My relationship with God.
I have noticed that if I do not spend time with Him first and foremost, my days are a bit messy. And I say that because if I do not spend time with Him first -I rush into my day and I can see that I do not handle things as well. Anyone else have that problem? So I am not going to rush into the day any longer and have chosen to be much more intentional with my time and what I do with it.
The most important people in my life. As our days fill up and get busy how easy is it to forget who is important. I want them to know I love them and care for them and that they come first. So as I look at my fall and what work and life outside of my family looks like - this needs to line up. That means I cannot do all things for all people all the time. So I need to say NO to some things, so that my family does not suffer. I have watched too many families suffer due to being too busy. Nothing I do is THAT important.
I need to come before other things also. And what that means is that
I need to be filled with things that are important to me, that give me life and make sense. Its only then that I can handle the rest. So for me that means finding time to do what I love. Spending time with friends that get me and sharing - what else... coffee...;), getting away to the mountains, being part of social justice issues and answers, blogging and writing, spending time being creative with whatever project that looks like at the moment, sitting on my deck drinking coffee and just having a moment to myself to think and process and dream. Spending time with my life couch and mentors. When you take time for yourself, things will make more sense and you will choose more wisely the things you need to be a part of.
The rest.
Now the rest comes in. Everything and everyone. My call to be an Associate Pastor, to hang out with youth and teach, mentor and care and all that this can look like. My call to partner with Arden and lead the ECCC Ecuador trips. To continue with my classes that I need to take, to be on all kinds of boards. Then there is the rest of life, people and places and things.
and on and on... and on.

I look forward to Fall every year. For me its the beginning of the year. I look forward to the planning and seeing how God will put it all together. (remember plans do not always work out! I'm working on being flexible too!)
So as we go into fall, I encourage each of us to make sure we start with who and what is important in our life and go from there.
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