Summer of 2013
I love summer.
For the first time in 12 years or so - we had the summer off (well sort of).
Of course, Mike worked and I was busy with Burden Bearers and some speaking engagements at different camps and churches yet, it was a summer where I was not living at camp for 5 weeks or planning a missions team trip or going to China to pick up our daughter or going to a youth conference of 6000+ youth in the middle of July to the hottest place in the US!
Oh yes, don't get me wrong I loved those summers. I lived for the adrenaline rush and the busyness and the planning and the activities.
Yet God had a different plan for me this summer.
At first it was a bit of a shock.
At first it was a bit of a shock.
It was a summer of 'space'.
A time of reflection and meditation.
A time of waiting on God.
And I honestly don't think I could have heard Him, if I didn't give myself
the space that I needed to seek Him out.
Even in the midst of 'space' the summer was full of different things.
Things I would have not had a chance to experience if I had not given myself
the 'space'.
It was a summer of spending every minute with my beautiful daughter,
teaching her and loving her and watching her
grow up right in front of my eyes.
It was a summer of hunting down the perfect
out door slide at the perfect price on Kijiji.
It was a summer of visiting family and friends in British Columbia,
Alberta and Saskatchewan.
It was a summer of hosting family and friends from all over.
It was a summer of reading and learning how God sees me and how much
God cares and loves me and has not forgotten me.
It was a summer of God moulding me into His 'new' creation.
It was a summer of realizing that trust is hard for me.
It was a summer of grief and sadness and letting go.
It was a summer of some realizations that were hard to come to grips with.
It was a summer of joy and new adventure.
It was a summer of joy and new adventure.
It was a summer of tears and of laughter.
It was a summer of holidays at the lake in the mountains.
It was a summer of connecting with friends.
It was a summer of meeting new people.
It was a summer of eating organic and raw foods and exercising more.
It was a summer of wonderful fires in our backyard.
It was a summer of incredible sunrises and sunsets.
It was a summer of sitting in our little pool.
It was a summer of getting tattoos and my nose pierced.
It was a summer of playing on the trampoline and enjoying our backyard.
It was a summer of reading some really great books.
It was a summer of developing Burden Bearers Counselling Centre.
It was a summer to get involved in new life - giving ministry.
It was a summer of working on my Addictions and Attachment course.
It was a summer of working on my Addictions and Attachment course.
It was a summer of deciding to adopt another
child and start the paper work for him/her.
It was a great summer.
As the September Long weekend sneaks up on us, I realize that I am excited. Excited about the summer that I had; a summer of growth, stretching and learning in a very new and unique way.
As I step outside, early in the morning for our walk, I can tell fall is here.
The cool air breeze gently touches my face, reminding me, change is once again upon us.
As fall approaches I look forward to what God has in store for us next.
I have always been excited of the many new things to plug into in the fall.
It's my favourite time of year.
And Pumpkin Spice Latte's are back.
(I guess some things do not change)
So it's all good.
The cool air breeze gently touches my face, reminding me, change is once again upon us.
As fall approaches I look forward to what God has in store for us next.

It's my favourite time of year.
And Pumpkin Spice Latte's are back.
(I guess some things do not change)
So it's all good.
I will leave 'space' in my life and not cram to many things in so I can hear Him, well I will try ;)
There are so many seasons that one goes though in a lifetime.
Allowing yourself the 'space' to hear God to help you change and grow and seek out new adventures, that is what life is all about.
God is constantly working in our lives.
He never leaves us or forsakes us.
I am grateful for the new 'space' that I have in my life.
He never leaves us or forsakes us.
I am grateful for the new 'space' that I have in my life.
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