Hana Lessons
I keep calling my girl - my baby - she actually is almost 21 months old and not really a baby. But I just can't help it. I get it when people say ... they will always be your baby...
I love hanging out with my daughter. Love saying I have a daughter...
She has taught me so much already...funny how that happens.
I always felt that in youth ministry too. The students have taught me so much over the last 20 years...but that is another blog.
Here are a few things Hana has taught me already...
Take naps...
If you are tired. Nap, where ever you are. I have just come to a place 7 months later...to be OK with this. You will be much happier and fun when you wake up. Don't wait till you are grumpy or too tired. Just take a nap. As adults we get all worked up and feel guilty for resting. blah...just do it.
It's so refreshing!
As soon as you wake up do something you enjoy and something that makes you smile. A few minutes of some fun time is just a great way to start the day! Hana isn't even out of her bed yet and she is running for her toys it's like she hasn't seen them in years.
Take a shovel with you...

For me...it was a great reminder to continually seek God on a daily basis with my devotional life. Never leave the house without my Bible.
Take time to read...
The same book over and over again...you never know what you will find If you really love a book, read it again. And again...and again...apparently it looks different every time. I am going to try it. It looks to fun not to. Let's see what I will learn the second time around.
Take time to check everything out...
So what if it takes you 12 minutes to go up the stairs before a nap or bath . Did you know each step has something to explore and every part of the hall way up the stairs there is something fun to look at...and oh ya the light switches....they are so fun to play with.
Don't miss out on what is right in front of you.
Take time to be with those you love...
Hana loves being with her people...every chance she gets she grabs my hand and wants me to sit down with her to play or sing or draw or cuddle.
Take time to be with those you love. One day all to soon...we won't have that chance anymore.
It's really a simple yet powerful reminder from a 20 month old.
Remember to hold hands...
We hold hands before saying our prayer before our supper. Hana now demands it...the other day I was at someone's home and they asked me to pray. I started to pray and before I realized a little hand to my left grabbed my hand and when I looked up gave me the biggest smile reminding me we have to hold hands.
Holding hands...a sense of love and affection ... it's a good thing.
Just a few Hana lessons for the day.
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