Finding our way to Christ
There has been this dark cloud hanging over me
the last month or so
You know that feeling that something isn't quite right
but you can't put your finger on it
It has felt like
I haven't been able to catch up or enjoy the journey
And then I started to processes
what has happened that I feel this way
Funny - our emotions - feelings
They can take us for a ride that we do not want to go on and
they can stir stuff up that we are not prepared to walk into
We all have them
But God knows
He allows things to happen for a reason
And it's always for us, for our own character building
even if it hurts
for we turn to Him and trust in Him
Sometimes we need to 'hide' away and sort it out on our own with God
Sometimes we need to invite a trusted friend to help us unpack what we are feeling
Sometimes we need to go to a professional to help us with our thoughts
All The Time
We need to to go to Christ to help us heal
Praying each of us will find our way to Christ
will supply all your needs from his
glorious riches,
which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
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