Week one and Day one
Week One...July 19
Well We have been home a week.
Well We have been home a week.
It's been a good week for the most part.
Our adjusting is going well.
I will be honest - that part has been easy so far.
I say so far....
Being sick and Jet lag was/is the toughest.
My mom and sis came to pick us up at the airport
and help for a few days
and meet Hana
They got us grocery
enough for a month
tided house up
it was a big help
It was our 16 year anniversary on the 20th
We celebrated with Hana and my mom and sister
Went for a walk ate prime rib
pushed through the day to stay awake
It was a good day.
It was our 16 year anniversary on the 20th
We celebrated with Hana and my mom and sister
Went for a walk ate prime rib
pushed through the day to stay awake
It was a good day.
People have been visiting - that has been great
Dropping of meals and gifts for Hana
It has been a blessing for us.
Sometimes it has felt too busy for Hana and I
so I cut back
We need time to be just us too...the 3 of us.
Hana loves people but I can see when it's too much
for her too
It's been a week of figuring out how to do life now at home
buying baby food
figuring out strollers
Car seats
(ya no car seats in China)
going for walks
figuring out strollers
Car seats
(ya no car seats in China)
going for walks
Getting a haircut
Buying long sleeve shirts for Hana
(it's a tad colder here than China)
Catching up on emails
A Week of ...
Talking With friends ~ I missed that daily connection of what is happening
in the lives of the people I care about
Missed that connectional part of who I am in China.
A week of ...
Attaching...with my daughter...
well 3 weeks actually...
well 3 weeks actually...
not sure what is right or wrong - can only go on what I am reading
and observing
We met 17 wonderful couples who have adopted many times
before and their advice and friendship has been amazing
helping us to understand
We met 17 wonderful couples who have adopted many times
before and their advice and friendship has been amazing
helping us to understand
Hana and I are spending every minute together -
I am figuring we are bonding...
She loves to be held and has now figured out
it's better to play with mommy than play alone...
A week of...
Trying to get her to sleep before 10
She has developed this new habit now of staying up with us and
not wanting to leave us and trying her hardest not to sleep
that's not a bad thing but for some reason I think she should go to bed earlier
then again - why - she sleeps right through till 8
why change a good thing
So we go to bed a bit earlier with her and watch some TV and she falls asleep with us
It's what we did in China - So I guess it's a good thing. Something familiar to her.
So...The week has been good...Good to be home with our daughter...Week one...
Day one...July 5
4:00 am...The morning is beautiful
we pack up the car and go...to the airport
friends pick us up and take us
I am actually awake and ready to go.
Flight to Vancouver - everything is a breeze
coffee and breakfast taste good.
12 hours later...3 movies later...
and some reading and a bit of sleeping
we land.
2:30 Beijing time.
First impressions...
and the people...
lots of people.
We get through our 'customs'
without any problems
And our facilitator
is waiting for us
I see the sign
with the Panda bear on it.
It takes an hour to get to the hotel
It's a big city with millions of people
traffic is thick and the smog is thicker
Our hotel
first impressions - nice
We unpack
go for a walk - get a coke
then go back
It's too early at home to skype anyone
Found out Facebook and my blog is blocked in China
we fall asleep till 6 the next morning
We are in China
Day one...July 5
4:00 am...The morning is beautiful
we pack up the car and go...to the airport
friends pick us up and take us
I am actually awake and ready to go.
Flight to Vancouver - everything is a breeze
coffee and breakfast taste good.
12 hours later...3 movies later...
and some reading and a bit of sleeping
we land.
First impressions...
and the people...
lots of people.
We get through our 'customs'
without any problems
And our facilitator
I see the sign
with the Panda bear on it.
It takes an hour to get to the hotel
It's a big city with millions of people
traffic is thick and the smog is thicker
Our hotel
first impressions - nice
We unpack
go for a walk - get a coke
then go back
It's too early at home to skype anyone
Found out Facebook and my blog is blocked in China
we fall asleep till 6 the next morning
We are in China
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