Over 625 people came to pay their tribute to my dad. I loved my dad. He was the best Atek (my name for him in Slovenian) anyone could have. I was blest. I really was...We had such a great relationship...I could talk to him about anything...anytime...he was my 'go to person'. He really 'got' me...He supported me...loved me...I talked to him everyday...
I could say lots...but I am just going to post my eulogy that I shared at my dad's funeral 14 days ago...
I could say lots...but I am just going to post my eulogy that I shared at my dad's funeral 14 days ago...
There are many memories that I have of my father…He was the most amazing father a daughter could ask for. His legacy continues …as we gather here today…to grieve, celebrate and remember a man that gave so much to so many.
As I reflect today about my dad…a few things come to my mind…
My dad…taught me the gift of hospitality…he would not even have to know the person…and he had this gift…to make them feel as if they were the most important person in the world…I pray that I can continue that for him…
With the gift of hospitality…comes the fact that He loved to gather people and have a party…as long as there was good food involved…all was good. The problem with that…is that you could not take my dad…to any kind of restaurant…his expectations were just way to high…and at the end of the day…he would be me just so embarrassed…so we just stopped going out…when he came to visit…and I just always make his favorite…pohano…a fried chicken dish…Now that I think of it…I think he actually had that planned out…so that I would always make it for him.
I loved to cook with my family…My mom and dad came to visit us many times through out the year…and somehow we would all end up in my kitchen making – palechinka or chicken soup … I remember the time my dad taught me how to make creme Brule – it was so much fun to be in the kitchen together – it would end up always being like a mini competition…who was a better cook…J
My dad was an encourager…he encouraged me over the years – as I was finishing my degree, starting new jobs…He supported everything I did…He was always there…he spent many years travelling up where we live…to help me throw the biggest , grandest banquets…to fund raise for the youth for their missions trips…he helped us raise over 40,000 in 8 years and help send over 27 kids to go help other countries that needed our help. He was just that kind of dad…always beside me…no matter what I was involved in …he helped me through it.
My dad always made me laugh…he had that kind of jolly personality…where he could just rattle off these crazy jokes…or do the most craziest things…it’s like he had no fear … of anything…I remember a few years back we went to my cousins wedding in Toronto…and the one day a whole bunch of us went to Niagara falls…and we stopped to have a picnic…there was no place to sit…but there was a bench with 1 woman on it…well my dad…got out his fart machine…and off he went to sit beside her and well…you can imagine the rest…I was mortified…but laughing all at the same time…we did get the bench…for our lunch.
My dad loved animals…especially dogs…while growing up at home…he would bring home…huge grate Danes , Dobermans, German Sheppard’s, st Bernard’s…and dad loved our dogs…both Andreja and mine…he would spoil those dogs…constantly giving them treats behind our backs…he loved taking them out for his breaks outside…
My dad made me feel good about myself...he gave good advice too…over the years…he just would say stuff that made sense…about a year ago I started to journey just some stuff he would say to me…I cherish that today…
I didn’t get a chance to say good bye to my dad…If I had a chance to see him one more time…this is what I would say…
Atek – you mean the world to me…I love you more than words can say…Even though I moved away – from you all…there isn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of you. Thank you dad, for teaching me to be a good person, for teaching me to care for others, for teaching me to do the best in whatever I try, for teaching me to be strong, for teaching me to be an encourager, for teaching me to be forgiving and loving. I am so grateful for you dad…grateful for all you have done for me…the sacrifice you made coming to another country – to make a better life for us. I am who I am today because of you. Dad I will miss texting you and having our Saturday morning coffee over the phone. I will miss calling you when I have a crisis – and miss your gentle advice of not to get too upset…it will all pass…i'm gonna miss your ‘hey my girl’ every time I phone you…I will miss your voice…
I will miss you coming up to our place with your motor home and us hanging out for the weeks…sitting by the fire…or reading on the picnic table – each of us – book our hands…drinking coffee…
I love you dad…I will always love you…and I will be here for mom and my little sis…I will take care of them…the best way I know how…how you taught me…
I know this isn’t good bye…more of a see you later…
Your loving daughter…Natasha…
there are many things that I will miss…But what I am grateful for is the legacy he left…the memories I have, the time I spent with him… and the fact that I know he loved God and is with Jesus today.
Made me cry all over again. I too, will miss your Dad, he was truly one of a kind.