So it's been a while...since I have written and as I think about it...much has happened...My first big news is that I did what I was fearing .... I took my motorcycling class...yup...I went in with much I thought for sure I would kill myself on that beast...but I didn't and I passed the course with flying colours! I am glad that Mike encouraged me to do this...I wanted to do it for so long...but fear kept me from doing I am so excited that I have learned something new...Now my next step - looking for a ride...
I encourage you all to do something you have been dreaming about...even if it scares you...don't let fear keep you from living your the fullest.
I encourage you all to do something you have been dreaming about...even if it scares you...don't let fear keep you from living your the fullest.
Right after the course we headed out on Mike's bike for our first bike trip out this year. We headed to Taber for Mike's dad's birthday. It was a beautiful ride - a bit rainy but nothing - good rain gear can't fix. There is nothing more freeing than riding. It gives us such joy and excitement being on the road. We absolutely love it! And I can't wait to have my own and join the club!
Mike and I took the kids to YC...a yearly youth conference - that hosts something like 16,000 kids from all was a wonderful much fun with so many great was a bit bittersweet for me. We have been doing this for 15 some years...and volunteering to take a group of kids was such a highlight for us...and the coolest best friend came with me!
For the most part I was gone 19 out of 31 days in May...and it is starting to catch up with me. Both Mike and I are struggling to try to keep up our wonderful yard...of course its our own one to blame but ourselves as we want to put in a garden, flowers, weed out the weeds, cut lawn, paint deck, paint know the crazy stuff that keeps the house nice...So's been a bit stressful in trying to keep it all together...but we are slowly doing it...doing what we can...and when we can.
My biggest that I accepted a new summer position...yup...a brand new look for our Camp out at Pigion lake...Covenant Bay Bible Camp. I am going to be their new Staff Pastor. I start as soon as I get back from Haiti! Hanging out with the staff and mentoring them and working with's going to be such a fun 5 weeks. I am looking forward to this new minsitry. I do so enjoy pastoring young adults and kids. I must admit that is what I do miss the most. Being a part of the lives of these young adults. I guess it's the pastor/counseller/mentor in me...wanting to walk along side people in their walk with God. I don't necessarly miss the all nighters and all the pizza I have eaten in the last 15 years...but I do miss the one on ones - the listening and praying with them...just being in their life. So needless to say I am so excited that God has provided this opportunity to be with the students once again. I guess He knows my heart. I guess He knows me ...
I look forward to this new chapter this summer...I look forward to seeing what God will do.
I look forward to this new chapter this summer...I look forward to seeing what God will do.
So it has been a busy full month of May and June looks no different. It is already June 7th and I do feel like there is so much to do. But once again I am reminded I can only do so I will do what I can for today...and pray that is enough for today...and the rest will just have to wait.
We also are realizing that we need to reconnect with people ... being gone for the last 6 months in Edmonton has taken a bit of a toll on us when it comes to connecting with our community...we need to focus on not so much the busyness of our days...the grass will get cut eventually...but how we can also connect with our friends again - we miss that.
We also are realizing that we need to reconnect with people ... being gone for the last 6 months in Edmonton has taken a bit of a toll on us when it comes to connecting with our community...we need to focus on not so much the busyness of our days...the grass will get cut eventually...but how we can also connect with our friends again - we miss that.
Praying that you are enjoying the days...that God gives us...praying that we all find the time to do what is on our hearts...
Pastor Natasha
Pastor Natasha
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