Extended Family
Last week I was sent to Sarnia, Ontairo for our annual AGM meeting. I had decided to extend my stay so I can visit with my extended family. When my family and I first moved to Canada we settled in Quebec and Ontario - a few years later we moved out West - leaving behind all my extended family. 4 sets of Aunts and Uncles and 10 cousins and their spouses and children. (I have like a million more in Europe that we left) .
We do not have a chance to get together often, so when an opportunity like this arises, I like to take it!
So here's to Aunts and Uncles and cousins and second cousins...May we not wait another 17 years till we see each other again...
I had a great visit. It's funny when you surround yourself with family - you see a glimpse of yourself...in a new way. You also get a glimpse of what your life might have been like if we had stayed together.
I enjoyed my ethnic roots that I saw coming out and enjoyed the fast paced , traffic bound...city life...for a few moments anyways. Sometimes I wonder how close we would be if we lived closer...or would we too...be just too busy to see each other, even if we were an hour apart.
It's fun seeing where we are all at, in our lives, our goals, dreams and even our hurts and disappointments...it brings us just a bit closer. It's good to be able to make the effort to see each other, even if it's just for coffee.
I am back now, back to work and life out here in Alberta - glad I am back - to be with my wonderful husband and our dogs and friends here...but I do miss being close to family. There is something about family that is just comfortable and easy, or at least it should be. In a few weeks I am looking forward to seeing my immediate family - hanging out with Mom and Dad and Sis and her family.
We’re from the same shoot,
The same family tree,
Into this world we sprouted
Call it destiny!
It’s cousin to cousin
A special thing
A closeness to which we’re tied,
And you’ve always been there
To laugh with me
Or even when I’ve cried.
Anyway I think it’s fantastic
That you were meant to be
A part of my life, my cousin,
You’ll always be special to me!
The same family tree,
Into this world we sprouted
Call it destiny!
It’s cousin to cousin
A special thing
A closeness to which we’re tied,
And you’ve always been there
To laugh with me
Or even when I’ve cried.
Anyway I think it’s fantastic
That you were meant to be
A part of my life, my cousin,
You’ll always be special to me!
Author Unknown
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