Your Will Your Way Your Plan

 Today I feel like I have stepped outside of my life and I am looking into someone else's story. 

In less than a week I will be on a plane heading to Poland. I will be serving along side a missions organization called Operation Mobilization (OM) Currently what I know is that my roll will be to 

"assist mothers with babies and children at the border crossing through an OM trailer with baby facilities, help them feed and entertain children, run kid’s program at receptions centers, carry luggage, distribute aid, serve drinks and snacks, and provide information to prevent human trafficking and other security threats. When time permits, I may spend time with refugees waiting for buses, in the trailer or reception centers, offering listening ears and sharing God’s love through words of encouragement and prayer"

I am inviting you all into this story not because I want or need affirmation for doing this, I am sharing this because I want to explore that idea  that sometimes we are called to do something that is scary and big and not comfortable and we need to just trust in it and go. Going to Poland to walk along side the people of Ukraine in itself is not too surprising for me as it feels like the right thing to do for me.  

Over the years I have gone on numerous missional trips that have stretched me, yet this one seems different. Maybe it feels different because of the work that will be involved with the woman and children, maybe it is the unknown city I will be travelling to, maybe it is the fact that I will be only a few kilometers from the bombing and fighting in Ukraine and it seems too real and hard or maybe it is because this is the first 'big' trip since the world shut down and I am a bit anxious. All I do know is I just need to go.

I was running into many excuses not to go. My kids and  hubby need me, my leg hurts, I have meetings, the church needs me, I am not well, I am in a different season, I don't know how to use the train system in Europe...finally one night my hubby turns to me and just says it how it is 

"these are just excuses, you know that right?" 

Ya...I was feeling anxious and was finding what ever excuse I could, not to go. Then one by one, meetings got cancelled, my leg always hurts , kids are more than fine with super dad (he is a much better parent than I am and kids behave WAY better when mom's not around) If I get sick I will go to the doctor ,it is not like I am on an island alone, and I am not that important - the world does go on without ... I did not have a good enough reason to say no. 

You see, we may not all be called to go and walk along side the refugees of Ukraine, yet I do believe we are all called into something. 

I am called into sharing Hope, so that is what I intend to do. I feel inadequate and not qualified, but God will provide what I need and when I need it. 

I do believe that if God lays something on your heart or has placed you in a space where you need to make some kind of decision that may seem like it is not your normal rhythm of life...we need to trust in that God has prepared you and will walk you through it. 

Maybe I am just sharing this all out loud to help me process and trust myself in this story.  Truth be told, I know I tend to be more whole when I am a part of something that is not of myself. Unfortunately,  I tend to get caught up on the 'all about me' drama at times. 

So when I am faced with something that is less about me and more about others it fills me up and makes me whole again. It makes me a better person. 

So, here I am days away from something that feels both terrifying and peaceful which I can only imagine this sense of peace is coming from God. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve, grateful that I said yes, now I just need to lean into His will, His way and His plan. 

Today I feel like I have stepped outside of my life and I am looking into someone else's story, then I realized it is my story intertwined with His story. 

He is indeed providing , leading and guiding the way. 

What has God placed on your hearts to be a part of? Does it feel big and scary? It may be...But God is bigger so trust that it will be ok, because God has been preparing you for this moment. 

You are being called into something...I encourage you to go and find out what it is!!

It will stretch you, it will change you, it will make you strong and it will make the world a better place. 

P.S. (the train tickets were easy to navigate once I settled down and looked into it) ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

God is good. 

God Provides. 

He is faithful and I trust in Him. 

Peace my friends.



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