Beauty in the stillness of life

I look out the window of my office and its so peaceful and beautiful.

There is such beauty in stillness. 

I have been still for a while now. 
Just spending time with God and hearing His voice and His gentle guidance within my life. 

And I look forward to entering into a new season with Him. 

I feel that I have come out of something strange and unfamiliar, yet now entering into the 'new' adventure that God has in store for me. 

And for some reason this 'new' feels like home.

It's a good space to be in. 

I feel like a butterfly to be honest. 
I was in this space of being worked on and moulded into what He is calling me to do. 
At times I couldn't breath and was so lost. 
I could say I was desperate to find what was missing. 

Yet all that was missing was the fact that I needed to push through and out of 
what was and into was is.

Trusting and Obeying. 

I almost feel like myself again,  yet different.  
Once again I am gaining passion and 
a hunger to engage and make a difference. 

I am me, but Better. 

Because I am different. 

It's hard to explain. Maybe some of you know what I mean. 
You are you, yet you are different. 
The things that you have experienced has sculpted you into a different person, 
yet in many ways, you are still the same.

In the stillness of my last year, God has reminded me of whom I am and who I am 
yet to be. And with that, comes this new confidence in what I am called to live into. 
He has given me a glimpse of my life in a way I could never have imagined. 
I would not have changed all the things that have changed me. 
I couldn't, even if I wanted to. 
But now I am seeing a bit more clearer and a bit more brighter. 

I embrace all that has changed me and look forward to the upcoming mountain top that God has in store for me. 

In the beauty of the stillness I am a different woman. 

And that is a good thing. 

So, I encourage all who are are going through something, 
 go through what you need to with what ever help that you need, 
 push through and out of what was and into what is, and see what God will do. 

It will be a good thing. 


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