Eventually it will all feel like it fits

It's been a season of learning how to be patient and fitting life together.
I watch my lovely daughter trying to put puzzles together.
For the most part she does really well. But then the harder ones,
not having yet developed the skills to be patient, she pushes them
together, breaking them, tearing them apart to make them fit.
Then she shakes her head, telling me NO, NO,
that this just doesn't seem right.
The colors do not match and the animals just look a bit too funny.
We are like that in so many ways.
Trying to fit our life into pockets that are not ours.
Trying to make things fit, breaking things on the way,
just because that is what we
think needs to happen and that is how it has to fit.
I am sure God is shaking his head, NO, NO.
But allowing things to progress, as we learn and grow.
We all go through seasons of puzzles.
And I am not going to lie, I do not enjoy puzzles.
I like to know what is going to happen.
 I like to plan.
I have no patience and would rather buy a puzzle all done and glued and hung
on my wall, than in a box to take out and put together.
We bought Hana 3 new puzzles this last week.
I watch her so excited to take them apart and try to figure out the pieces and where they go.
She squeals in delight to be honest.
She is learning and growing. Changing directions when they do not fit,
looking for direction from us to help her,
enjoying the journey and the challenge of something new.
She has this sense of 'its good' and a look of  'peace' when she does put them together right.
She claps and laughs and screams in delight and runs to show her mama what she has done.
I think that we can learn from that.
When life is a puzzle and we are trying to put the pieces together,
Do we feel at peace?
Do we scream with delight "it's the right choice?!"
Do we run to our closest family or friends and share our decision and joy?
Life can be a big puzzle. 
 We need to look at it with excitement. Learn and grow from it, change direction if it does not fit. Look for direction from people we trust, and enjoy the journey of something new that challenges us.
God gives us direction and His peace, we just  need to look for it.
Eventually it will all feel like it fits.


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