25 Years - and he is just fine.

25 years ago this month - around February 8th
my amazing husband got what to him and to most would be
the most horrible news we could hear today...
You have cancer.
He was never the same. How can you be?
At 16 he had to make choices that really no one should have to make at any age.
After a month of treatment - the cancer spread and they removed his whole leg
and he had to endure chemo for the next 12 months.
Chemo back then was a bit more harsher with 
no anti nausea drugs to help out.
He had to drive to Calgary 
 stay for the week for treatment then go home to Taber for a week, 
 repeating this for a year.
But today he is fine. Just fine. More than fine.
He said to me not too long ago..."what happened to me made me a better person."
I don't doubt that one bit.
That is why I married him. He has such strength and ambition. Nothing really stops him.
I met him 8 years after this happened to him.
He was in college finishing his degree for drafting
I was taking classes and we met and fell in love.
Feels like a life time ago. 
He now runs his own drafting company and builds kitchens on the side.
He started a sledge hockey team, rides a trike and is an amazing father.
This past week - we had another scare.
He went in to get his back checked out as he started to get some pain in his lower back...
After a routine check up and x-rays - he was sent in for a CT scan.
They found - what you would call a 'hot spot' on his kidneys.
They called us in ... 'it is imperative you come in and see your doctor'
Really...is this happening...imperative...ugh
As you can imagine those 6 days we had to wait to go see our doctor to get the results, our
life was on hold. They gave us nothing more. So we told no one.
Just a call...Just come in.
So we wait.
And we spend time with God. MORE TIME.
We prayed and gave it all to God. Knowing that He does have it all in His control.
We trusted...with all of our strength - that this too will be OK.
We hung on to every detail of our life knowing it is so not our own and how precious it is
and how much we love our little family and cannot image life any different.
We tried not to go there...thinking the worst...thinking what if...
Just trusting...trusting...trusting...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5
We walked into the doctors office...waiting to hear the worst...
to only be confronted with some minor issues that
has arisen from his amputation 25 years ago.
He is fine. Just fine. More than fine.
His back is sore from lifting a 34lb toddler and carrying my 34lb toddler bag.
We have been given more reason than ever to celebrate once again.
Our eyes have been once again opened to how blessed we are and how precious our 
 life is and our time here. We had a wake up call.
And we ask ourselves ...
how are we spending our time? What are we doing?
What are we thinking? How are we talking?
How are we serving God? How are we loving our family and friends?
How are we living as believers of Jesus Christ?
What are we teaching Hana every day? How do we live out our days?
What do we want to accomplish in our life? How do we go about it?
What does God want us to do?
You know...those kinds of questions...
They kind of seem more important now.
I want to have a big party...To celebrate my wonderful husband and his life.
He doesn't ...I wonder who will win?
We are His people and He is our God.
So...our journey continues as we trust in Him.
25 years - and he is just fine. 

 Praise The LORD.


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