Fall Reflections
Fall brings a smile to my face.
The beautiful colours that surround us warms my heart.
The change that dances in front of us is magnificent.
You know something new is coming, you can just feel it.
It is all around you, the change.
The air is crisper and the nights are quicker.
Even if the change is winter, there is a feeling of welcome.
You know change is just around the corner.
Fall gives me a sense of warmth.
I can smell the pumpkin spice mix brewing,
the fall candles burning.
Pumpkin spice lattes are one of my highlights in the fall season.
I see the warm blankets and fun wool socks peeking out at me,
waiting to be wrapped around me.
And if you are fortunate enough to have a wood stove
you can just imagine sitting by the fire with a warm drink and a warm blanket around you.
Fun boots and scarves start to come out of my closet.
It is a warm feeling indeed.
Fall reminds me that change is OK.
It is OK to let go.
We see the leaves fall and I watch and wonder how free and wonderful this feels.
If you sit still enough and just watch them fall, you can almost hear music in the wind.
It reminds me that we can change and let go of things too.
We can embrace it or struggle with it.
I am starting to think embracing change is much more peaceful.
Maybe it can even be musical and feel like a breath of fresh air.
We all have seasons and change is the one thing we can count on.
Seasons of change can be a beautiful thing.
Especially letting go of things that you are not meant to hang on to.
Fall reminds me that I need to slow down
and take time for what is important.
This one is new for me.
This season as I enter back into work and at the same time try to balance my life in a way that makes sense,
I am realizing more than ever to stop and breathe.
Just breathe.
In and out.
I am hearing myself think 'Don't rush into programs and activities'
Wait and see how the rhythm of my family is working.
Wait and see what opportunities fit our life
Wait and Breathe.
I have been out of breath lately.
And today I am reminded that I need to stop.
I need to do what works for me.
I need to do what works for my family.
It is a good realization.
I should be doing a million things tonight.
But I decided to take a breath and share
some fall reflections before they get lost in my days.
May we all be reminded tonight to
Feel the warmth
Embrace the change that is coming
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