Your Will Your Way Your Plan
Today I feel like I have stepped outside of my life and I am looking into someone else's story. In less than a week I will be on a plane heading to Poland. I will be serving along side a missions organization called Operation Mobilization (OM) Currently what I know is that my roll will be to "assist mothers with babies and children at the border crossing through an OM trailer with baby facilities, help them feed and entertain children, run kid’s program at receptions centers, carry luggage, distribute aid, serve drinks and snacks, and provide information to prevent human trafficking and other security threats. When time permits, I may spend time with refugees waiting for buses, in the trailer or reception centers, offering listening ears and sharing God’s love through words of encouragement and prayer" I am inviting you all into this story not because I want or need affirmation for doing this, I am sharing this because I want to explor...